Call for Proposals - Demos

Call for Proposals: Outreach Materials & Demos

The Center for Neuroengineering & Medicine and the NeuralStorm program invite proposals for outreach materials and demos relevant to neuroengineering, to be exhibited at upcoming events including NeuroFest (March 18), Picnic Day (April 15) and similar outreach events. 

Please see the call here for more information. Selected proposals will receive funding to implement/ build their demo. Applicants/ applicant teams will be awarded cash prizes if their project is selected. 

Eligibility: undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, junior specialists, other trainees. Teams are highly encouraged. 

Please send questions to jschofield at ucdavis dot edu and gmlee at ucdavis dot edu.


Faculty Outreach Committee

Jonathon Schofield, PhD

Audrey Fan, PhD

Lee Miller, PhD

Erkin Seker, PhD

Sergey Stavisky, PhD

Primary Category

Secondary Categories

Science & Technology