General Information

Research and education at the Center for Neuroengineering & Medicine happens at the intersection of many fields, including engineering, neuroscience, medicine, and humanities. After completing undergraduate education, students may pursue master's or doctoral degrees, which allow them to specialize in specific areas such as Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience, Psychology, Computer Science, etc. 

Graduate programs at UC Davis are of two types: departmentally-based, or graduate group-based. Students interested in neuroengineering can apply through one of the existing graduate groups or programs on campus:

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Useful resources
  • Pathways to Science - Education and career training opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
    • for Undergraduate Students - Programs and professional development resources for current and prospective undergraduate students, including research experiences for undergraduates (REU), summer research experiences, scholarships, paid internships, and travel and research opportunities.
    • for Graduate Students - for prospective and current STEM graduate students -- including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources.
    • for Postdocs -  for prospective and current STEM postdoctoral researchers -- including postdoc positions, postdoctoral fellowships, travel awards, and professional development opportunities.
  • Funding your graduate education - resources on the UC Davis Graduate Studies website
  • The Johns Hopkins University's Office of Research updates the following lists on a regular basis:
    • Early Career Funding Opportunities - repository of federal and private funding opportunities that are intended for late postdoctoral investigators and early-career faculty, usually those at or below the rank of assistant professor. Searchable.
    • Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities -repository of federal and private funding opportunities that are intended for postdoctoral investigators. 
    • Graduate Student Funding Opportunities - repository of federal and private funding opportunities that are intended for graduate students. The opportunities are pre-sorted chronologically and alphabetically, and can be searched by funding amount and subject matter.
    • Underrepresented Minority and Low-income Graduate Student Funding Opportunities - repository of federal and private funding opportunities that are intended for underrepresented minority and low-income graduate students. The opportunities are pre-sorted chronologically and alphabetically.