FAQ NeuralStorm Training Program

What is NeuralStorm?

  • NeuralStorm is a training program that provides opportunities for students to acquire skills in neuroengineering, from team science and scientific communication, to neuroscience, engineering, data analytics, machine learning, and medicine. The goal is to enable students to strengthen their domain expertise while contributing to solving cross-disciplinary challenges in neuroengineering and broadening their professional development.
  • Graduate students from the general areas of computer science, psychology, engineering, or neuroscience are encouraged to apply for NeuralStorm fellowships, which are funded by the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) grant (NSF Award number: 2152260) and philanthropic donations. 
  • The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) is a program funded by the National Science Foundation, dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary or convergent research areas.

Where can I find out more information about neuroengineering research at UC Davis?

Who can participate in the NeuralStorm training program?

  • All graduate and undergraduate students interested in neuroengineering can participate in NeuralStorm.
  • Graduate students who completed or are in process of completing their first year in a PhD program at UC Davis and plan to continue their studies in neuroengineering are eligible to apply for a NeuralStorm fellowship and if selected, become a NeuralStorm fellow.

What are the benefits of becoming a NeuralStorm fellow?

  • Graduate students selected as NeuralStorm fellows will participate in unique research and education experiences organized by the NeuralStorm training program.
  • Students can apply the knowledge and skills they acquire to their PhD dissertation work.
  • The completion of the program requirements may allow PhD students to obtain a Designated Emphasis in Neuroengineering.
  • NeuralStorm fellows will also receive an annual stipend anticipated to be around $35,000 (2023 numbers), funding to attend one conference, and the expected tuition and fees for one year.

What are the benefits of participating in the NeuralStorm training program?

  • All graduate and undergraduate students interested in neuroengineering can participate in NeuralStorm, regardless of fellowship status. 
  • Students can apply the knowledge and skills they acquire to their graduate studies.
  • The completion of the program requirements may allow PhD students to obtain a Designated Emphasis in Neuroengineering.

What are the required activities for NeuralStorm fellows?

  1. A concept survey to evaluate disciplinary background
  2. NeuralStorm Technical Orientation intended to introduce students to graduate school life, program requirements, concepts of rigor, reproducibility and responsible conduct of research plus an introduction to basics of computer science, neuroscience and engineering as they relate to neuroengineering (5 days, September)
  3. Two graduate courses*: 
    • EEC 244¥: Introduction to Neuroengineering (4 units, 1 quarter)
    • BIM 280: Neural Signals & Machine Learning Tools for Neural Data (4 units, 1 quarter).
  4. Neuroengineering Journal Club*¥ (minimum one quarter)
  5. Seminar Plus Program¥ - read select papers from that month’s Neuroengineering Seminar Speaker prior to the seminar and contribute to a 2-hour discussion the Monday before the seminar. Attend the seminar. Make every effort to attend the group lunch with the seminar speaker (minimum 4x per year).
  6. Monthly Neuroengineering Lunch and Learn events* (minimum 4x per year) to discuss your ongoing research with peers and receive feedback.
  7. An Individual Development Plan (IDP)* completed with your major professor and NeuralStorm mentors.

*Prior participation counts towards the program requirements.

¥Students who complete these parts of the program may receive a Designated Emphasis (DE) in Neuroengineering on their diplomas.

What are the requirements for the major professors of students selected for the NeuralStorm fellowship?

* If you have already completed these requirements within the last 5 years, we will provide an upload portal for your certificate of completion.

Are international students eligible to apply for NeuralStorm fellowships?

  • International students are welcome to participate in all relevant NeuralStorm activities and are eligible to apply for fellowships.  

I'm interested in applying to graduate studies at UC Davis to study neuroengineering and in participating in the NeuralStorm program. Where should I begin?

I'm interested in applying to UC Davis but my major professor (or prospective major professor) isn't listed as an affiliated faculty on the Center for Neuroengineering & Medicine (CNEAM) website. Can I still apply?

  • NeuralStorm will consider applications from students who plan to work in neuroengineering with nonCNEAM faculty, but the advisor/mentor (or one of the advisors/mentors if a team) will need to be approved by the NeuralStorm admissions committee and the Executive Committee before the program can appoint the student to a fellowship. Interested faculty should contact Vincent Tran, NeuralStorm Program Coordinator, vcttran@ucdavis.edu.

I'm applying to a graduate group/program that's not listed on the website. Can I still apply?

  • Yes, as long as your research/dissertation project is related to neuroengineering. Applicants from other graduate groups/programs than those listed will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please use this link if you need to send us questions: https://neuroengineering.ucdavis.edu/contact .

What’s the next application period for applying to the NeuralStorm program for a fellowship?

  • The application period to apply for the 2025-2026 academic year fellowship is February 20 - April 1st, 2025.

I'm applying for an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (or another fellowship). Can I hold that and a NeuralStorm fellowship?

  • Yes, if you take the funding in consecutive years.

Am I allowed to serve as a TA and get NeuralStorm fellowship funding in the same quarter?

  • No.

Can anyone interested take NeuralStorm courses?

  • Yes, given that they meet the individual courses’ prerequisites and/or with the instructor’s approval. Course information is available here.

I'm a postdoc. Can I get involved in NeuralStorm?

  • Yes. You may audit courses with the instructor's approval, and attend the annual research symposium if space is available.

I'm a postdoc. Can I get funding through NeuralStorm?

  • We're sorry but the NeuralStorm program does not include funding for postdocs.