Apply to graduate school

Join us in world-class neuroengineering research!

Students interested in graduate studies in neuroengineering can apply to one of the existing graduate groups or programs on campus by following their respective application requirements. In addition, contact us at this link to let us know about your interest in studying neuroengineering and send us questions. The most relevant graduate groups or programs for neuroengineering at UC Davis are listed below (not exclusively). 

To pursue a PhD as a Graduate Student:

  1.  Begin an application to grad school with UC Davis at
  2.  In the 'Plans for Graduate Study' section, choose a Neuroengineering-allied Graduate Group (listed below)
  3.  For 'Faculty Mentors', consider adding desired faculty from
  4.  Include your "neuroengineering" interest in your 'Statement of Purpose'
  5.  After enrolling, current UC Davis grad students can then apply to become for NeuralStorm fellowships here:

The Graduate Programs allied with Neuroengineering are:
Biomedical Engineering GG (BMEGG) - general deadline: December 1st

Computer Science GG (GGCS) - general deadline: January 5th

Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Group (ECEGG) - general deadline: January 15th

Mechanical and Aerospace GG (MAEGG) - priority deadline: December 15th, general deadline: January 15th

Neuroscience GG (NSGG) - general deadline: December 1st

Psychology (GPSC) - general deadline: December 1st

Please note that deadlines may change. Check the relevant links for updated deadlines:

Useful resources
  • Funding your graduate education - resources on the UC Davis Graduate Studies website
  • Pathways to Science - Education and career training opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
    • for Graduate Students - for prospective and current STEM graduate students -- including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources.
    • for Undergraduate Students - Programs and professional development resources for current and prospective undergraduate students, including research experiences for undergraduates (REU), summer research experiences, scholarships, paid internships, and travel and research opportunities.
  • The Johns Hopkins University's Office of Research updates the following lists on a regular basis: