Introduction to Neuroengineering

EEC 244 – Introduction to Neuroengineering

4 units (A/F Letter Graded) 

Spring Quarter 2024
Time, location, and CRN: TBD

Objective: Neuroengineering is emerging as the field where engineering, medicine and neuroscience come together to produce innovative research and impactful solutions that address the broad range of pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system. The unifying objective of this team-taught interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the key research areas and tools in neuroengineering, and employ NIH-style proposal writing exercises to integrate course content into potential projects. 


EEC 244 – Introduction to Neuroengineering

4 units (A/F Letter Graded) 
Tuesday 1:10-3:00pm (Lecture) and Thursday 1:10-2:00pm (Discussion/Office Hour)
Winter Quarter 2023 
CRN:  45612

Objective: Neuroengineering is emerging as the field where engineering, medicine and neuroscience come together to produce innovative research and impactful solutions that address the broad range of pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system. The unifying objective of this team-taught interdisciplinary course is to introduce students to the key research areas and tools in neuroengineering, and employ NIH-style proposal writing exercises to integrate course content into potential projects. 
Class Times: 1:10-3:00pm Tuesday - Lecture and 1:10-2:00pm Thursday - Discussion (Location Hoagland Hall 108) 
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing (or instructor approval) 
Instructor(s): Prof. Erkin Şeker (ECE, Instructor of Record), Mitchell Sutter (NPB), Jochen Ditterich (NPB), Weijian Yang (ECE), Christina Kim (Neurology), Audrey Fan (Neurology), Zhaodan Kong (MAE), Lee Miller (NPB), Jonathon Schofield (MAE), Sergey Stavisky (Neurosurgery), Wil Joiner (Neurology), Carolynn Patten (Phys Med & Rehab), Mark Fedyk (Neuroethics).

Description: Survey of neuroengineering field from engineering and biological perspectives; micro-/nano-fabrication technology; optical and electrical techniques to monitor and modulate neural activity; computational tools and control systems; prosthetics and human machine interfaces; human performance and rehabilitation; cognitive neuroengineering; neuroethics; extensive proposal development to merge aforementioned themes into a multidisciplinary project..