NeuralStorm Fellowships Application Guidelines

NeuralStorm Fellowships - 2025 Application Process

UC Davis grad students with an interest in neuroengineering can apply for fellowships to become NeuralStorm Fellows. If accepted, this fellowship will begin in their second or third year of a UC Davis PhD program. NeuralStorm fellowships and activities are funded by the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program (NSF Award number: 2152260) and philanthropic funds such as the Ellis/Linton Fund for the Center for Neuroengineering and Medicine). 

Students who completed their first or second year in a PhD program at UC Davis and plan to continue their studies in neuroengineering are  eligible to apply for a NeuralStorm fellowship and receive funding.

For program benefits, requirements, and detail, please see the NeuralStorm Fellowship Application Details PDF here.

Upload an application as a single pdf document at this link that includes the following, titled using this convention: LastName.FirstName.PI-PILastName-NeuralStormFellowship:

  1. The applicant's biosketch or CV that includes your graduate group/ program and your major professor
  2. A concise plan, not to exceed 1 page plus optional references, describing the proposed doctoral dissertation research, its relevance to neuroengineering, and the applicant's career goals (1-inch margins, Arial 11 pt, single spaced, including optional figures)
  3. A copy of the applicant's graduate and undergraduate academic records.
  4. A statement indicating that both the trainee and the major professor(s) agree to comply with the requirements of NeuralStorm including regular participation in the seminars and research symposium and retreat not only during but also after the period of active funding support while the trainee is matriculated as full-time graduate student at UC Davis.
  5. A letter of recommendation from the applicant's major professor who has agreed to mentor their dissertation research.
  6. Upload the application to this Box folder.

The deadline to submit an application for a 2025-2026 fellowship is April 1, 2025.

For questions, please contact Vincent Tran, NeuralStorm Program Coordinator.