Position Title
Co-Director, Center for Neuroengineering & Medicine
Chair, Designated Emphasis in Neuroengineering
Position Title
Co-Director, Center for Neuroengineering & Medicine
Chair, Designated Emphasis in Neuroengineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
My overarching goal is to understand and control nanostructured material properties and their interaction with biological systems to develop effective biomedical tools for both basic and clinical applications. To that end, I lead a research group that focuses on engineering high-throughput miniaturized screening platforms to study nano-scale material properties and their implications on electrical, biochemical, optical, and biological phenomena. We are employing these tools for developing cell-based sensors for rapid identification of neurotoxins, multifunctional neural electrode coatings, and nucleic acid-based biosensor platforms.
Graduate group affiliations:
- Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group, BMEGG (GBIM)
- Biophysics Graduate Program (GBPH)
- Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (BMCDB) Graduate Group (GBCB)
- Chemical Engineering Graduate Program (GECH)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program (GEEC)
- Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program (GEMS)
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program (GMAE)
- Neurosciences Graduate Group (GNES)