Peyton Young Graduate Student (PhD), BEAR Lab (Dr. Schofield) NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering BEAR Lab (Dr. Schofield)
Logan Peters Graduate Student (PhD), Neurorobotics Laboratory (Dr. Karen Moxon) NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Graduate Group in Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Ariana Moghbel MD/PhD Student (Toprani Lab & Moxon Lab) NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Neuroscience Graduate Group Center for Neuroscience 9254789712
Katherine Foray Graduate Student (PhD), The Sensorimotor Integration Lab (Dr. Joiner) NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Neuroscience Graduate Group Center for Neuroscience Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Run Zhang Graduate Student (PhD), Kim Lab NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group Department of Biomedical Engineering Center for Neuroscience Kim Lab
Adam Weiner Graduate Student Researcher, BRaIN Lab (Dr. Patten) NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 787-231-2969 BRaIN Lab website