Jessica Korte PhD Student Executive Committee Student Representative, Designated Emphasis in Neuroengineering (DE-NE) Department of Biomedical Engineering Functional Advanced Neuroimaging (FAN) Lab The Sensorimotor Integration Lab
Justin Fitzgerald PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Clinical and Translational Science Center The Sensorimotor Integration Lab
Katherine Foray Graduate Student (PhD), The Sensorimotor Integration Lab (Dr. Joiner) NeuralStorm Fellow (2022 cohort) Neuroscience Graduate Group Center for Neuroscience Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
David Young, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation BRaIN Lab website
Megan Shyr, PhD PhD Graduate, RASCAL Lab (Dr. Joshi) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering LinkedIn
Wilsaan Joiner, PhD Professor Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Department of Neurology Center for Neuroscience Center for Mind and Brain The Sensorimotor Integration Lab Prosthesis Embodiment Through Intuitive Technology 1163 Life Science Building