Position Title
PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group
- Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
- Clinical and Translational Science Center
My research pursuits involve exploring the integration of sensory and motor signals for supporting human behaviour, specifically visual perception, proprioception, and motor learning. To this end, I use computational (modeling, simulation, computer vision, machine learning) methods and diverse experimental techniques (e.g., ultrasound imaging, human psychophysics, motion capture) to tackle basic science, clinical, and translational questions. Critically, I seek to understand the roles these signals play in planning and guiding goal-directed movements, the neural processes underlying motor adaptation and control. I am currently focused on applying these principles and questions to study neural representations and control of muscles of the residuum in children with congenital upper limb deficiencies and in adults with targeted muscle reinnervation. Additionally, I am working towards the development of a pediatric prosthetic device using sonomyography as a control signal.