Elva Diaz, PhD

Elva Diaz

Position Title

  • Department of Pharmacology
  • Center for Neuroscience
  • Institute for Psychedelics and Neurotherapeutics

Dr. Elva Díaz has a broad background in biochemistry, molecular and cell biology and genomics in studies of the mammalian nervous system. Her main research interest is to understand molecular mechanisms of brain development, function and disease. Her lab utilizes a combination of techniques to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of neural proliferation and synapse development and how these mechanisms are translated into behavior and disease in the intact organism. Her lab has characterized the function of several highly conserved brain-specific proteins in the cerebellum and hippocampus, two areas of the brain involved in motor control and learning and memory, respectively. Importantly, misregulation of these molecules is implicated in various neurodevelopmental, neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases such as autism, brain tumors, dementia, depression and anxiety, substance use disorders, and schizophrenia; and thus, represent novel therapeutic targets for drug development and neuroengineering interventions.

As a native Californian born to parents originally from Mexico, she has developed a strong appreciation and respect for the benefits and advantages of a diverse population while recognizing at the same time the barriers that exist for some individuals. She is an advocate for an equitable and inclusive environment at the university with a long-standing commitment to mentoring the next generation of biomedical research trainees.

Graduate group affiliations:
