Position Title
Professor and Chair, Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
I am Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology in the UC Davis School of Medicine and a clinical epileptologist with a broad background in development of novel treatments for neurological disorders, with specific expertise in development of disease modifying therapies for the acquired epilepsies. The focus of my research program is to define the cellular and molecular pathways that mediate the development of epilepsy following brain injury, with particular emphasis on regulation of inhibitory neurotransmitter systems, and how they contribute to later development of epilepsy (epileptogenesis). The overall goal of my research program, which has been NINDS funded for over 20 years, is identification of novel therapeutic approaches to the prevention and treatment of both the seizures and cognitive co-morbidities associated with epilepsy. Among other approaches (including but not limited to, pharmacological, molecular, immunohistological and behavioral) my laboratory utilizes long-term video-EEG approaches for studies of epileptogenesis in a variety of mouse and rat models of acquired epilepsy including chemoconvulsant and experimental TBI models.